Ilha (Island) | drawing

‘How can I inspire everyone to read this book? I thought a few years ago when I finished reading 'Island', the last novel written by Aldous Huxley. This led to the idea of creating an artwork based on the book and to propose to a group of artists to do the same.
Clearly utopian, 'Island', published in 1962, shows us a civilization that merges the best of Eastern and Western societies, in order to prevent a democratic world from becoming a totalitarian world.
Intrinsically linked to the present, to our country and to Europe – both on the verge of collapsing - this movement toward creating and sharing is taken forward in an attempt to try to find an impulse that can give us back more than just a sad and frantic search for survival. 'Island' is a first step against isolation.’

- Miguel Bonneville

20th of April – 18th of May 2013, Livraria Sá da Costa, Lisbon, Portugal